Notice of Dividend Record Date due to Amendment of the Article of Incorportaion
1. Notice of Dividend Record Date
At the regular shareholders' meeting on March 17, 2023, the company has amended the articles of incorporation, enabling the board of directors to determine the dividend record date through a resolution.
- Details of Amendment
(Before amendment) End of each fiscal year (December 31)
(After amendment) Date determined by the board of directors
2. Notice of Caution regarding the Dividend Record Date
As the company plans to announce the dividend record date for the fiscal year 2023 at the end of January 2024, the company shall distribute year-end dividends to shareholders who hold company shares as of the specified dividend record date.
Therefore, please be advised that even if one holds company shares as of the fiscal year-end (December 31), dividends shall not be paid in the event that one does not hold company shares as of the dividend record date for the fiscal year 2023.
3. Decision Date
December 15, 2023
4. Other references useful for making investment decisions
The final determination of details, including dividend eligibility and dividend amount, will be made during the regular shareholders' meeting subsequent to the resolution of the Board of Directors.
※ Related disclosure - March 20, 2023 Result of the Regular Shareholders' Meeting